The Widen the Welcome team aims to investigate the possibility of Faith becoming a Reconciling In Christ (RIC) congregation. This would allow our gay and lesbian friends and neighbors, who have been excluded from many churches, to be specifically included in our congregation's life. As we begin to offer education and information opportunities, our team, […]
Join Us On March 3rd for Our Next Potluck! Please join us in the gym following worship at approximately 11:45 am. If your last name starts with A - L, we ask that you please bring a dessert. If your last name starts with M - Z, we ask you to please bring a side […]
Please join us for an virtual discussion of John Pavlovitz's excellent book A Bigger Table via Zoom. Please contact for the Zoom link.
The Hallway, Gym, and Kitchen floors are being worked on this Friday and Saturday 4/19 & 4/20. There will be no access to these areas during that time. Thank you for your time and consideration.