Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church of Homewood, Illinois
Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church April 5, 2018

Opening Day
Pastor Klonowski
This afternoon is the White Sox home opener. The community of the faithful will gather at 35th & Shields at 3:10 p.m. See you there! Come on by section 132 and I’ll buy you a beer. Think of it as a kind of holy communion.
Hope springs eternal. Opening day is the day when your baseball team is tied for first place. The long stretch of the season – a future loaded with possibility! – is before you. All of life is new.
It’s like Easter that way! So much of that last paragraph – Hope! Eternal! Future! Possibility! Life! New! – are things we said in Sunday’s Easter worship. You know, those women went to the tomb asking each other who would roll away the stone. Then they got there and – what do you know! – it was Opening Day.
Life is new for many of the White Sox this year, too. It’s a young team; for no fewer than 9 players, it’s their first time on a major league roster for opening day.
In last week’s paper there was a piece by Doug Glanville, a kind of meditation on baseball rookies. In his playing days Glanville was a Chicago Cub, but we should not discount him for that. Here’s a snippet of his article:
“On every roster this Opening Day, there will be a rookie. Scared about his future, scared about his family, but open to input. He represents opportunity – not only his professional opportunity but also a cultural one for the rest of us. The daily experiences that he will have now, set on common ground with common goals, will reveal to him what really counts in a teammate and a person. It’s an environment that gives intimacy a chance to inform him about people, as opposed to a clickable universe of labels and boxes.”
Hmph, I thought. New life, open opportunity … and real community, not fake. Still sounds like Easter, to me!


PADS Sunday, April 8- Confirmation cooking and serving 
We will meet at church at 5:30pm to cook,  then travel to the Flossmoor Community Church  to serve. We should return no later than 8pm. If you would like to join us, please contact Pastor Amy at


Easter Flowers 

All the flowers have been found!  If you purchased flowers, please feel free to take them home after 10:45 worship this Sunday.

Vacation Bible School sign ups
VBS is coming up, June 11-15 and June 18-22.   Sign ups for leaders and participants are in the narthex at the VBS registration table, just outside the sanctuary doors.  Can you help?  June 11- 15 we need an opening leader.  June 18-22 we need an opening leader, an elementary Bible story leader, snacks person.   Questions? Please contact Janet Daley (708-912-1940) or the church office.



Acts 4: 32- 35    *       I John 1:1– 2:2

Psalm 133     *         John 20:  19- 31



In This Issue
This week at Faith

                      Thursday         7- Jacob’s Well practice

Saturday        9- Altar Guild

Sunday 4/8   8:15 Worship

                      9:30 Education Hour

                      10:45 Worship

                       5:00 PADS – confirmation cook/ serve 

Monday          5:30- Girl Scouts 

Tuesday         5:00 Girl Scouts 


Serving on Sunday, April 8, 2018

Serving God in Worship at 8:15 AM


Assisting Minister:                     

Children’s Message:                  

Communion Deacons:                





Altar attendants:                        

Hospitality Hosts:                      


Serving God in Worship at 10:45 AM


Assisting Minister:

Children’s Message:                   

Communion Deacons:                






Altar attendants:                        

Hospitality Hosts:                      

Contact Information
Faith Church