Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church of Homewood, Illinois
Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church April 12, 2018

When Did We See You?
Deborah Burnet
This week we hear about Jesus’s mysterious post-Easter appearances to the disciples. We hear about Thomas, who had to see and touch the marks on Jesus’s body to believe. But wait- wasn’t that true for the other disciples too? “Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced, when they saw the Lord.” (John 20) So apparently, it took the physical signs for those disciples to recognize Jesus too, not just his blessing of Peace. Thomas is not an exception, after all.
Later on Jesus visits the disciples on the beach. You’d think by now that they would be expecting him but no – “The disciples did not know that it was Jesus.” (John 21) Jesus blesses the luckless fishermen with an overwhelming catch of fish, then finally “The disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!'”
Why did the disciples have such a hard time finding and seeing Jesus? And why do we?
The disciples were busy, responsible men who worked hard for a living. They knew their business, which was fishing. Maybe they went fishing that day to fill the coffers, which were getting low after the turbulent festival week in Jerusalem. Or maybe they went fishing to calm their nerves – this was a task they knew by heart and could do without thinking. In any case, they were not looking for the Lord. This was the third time Jesus came to the disciples, and they still had trouble recognizing him.
We like to think we’ve learned better than this – and Peter does too. After eating some fish together on the beach, Jesus asks Peter, his ‘Rock,’ “Do you love me?” Peter swears his love, but his feelings get hurt after Jesus repeats the question three times. Peter has a short memory. Hasn’t Jesus just come to them three times, unrecognized?
I think the point of these stories is that we all forget, and we fail to recognize when Jesus comes to us again and again. And best of all – that he keeps coming anyway.
Deb Burnet is a member of Faith. In her daily ministry she serves as a physician and a medical researcher. She’s at


Faith Wonderland Preschool Sunday & Open House
Sunday, April 15th children and parents of Faith Wonderland Preschool will join the congregation for 10:45 worship. Preschoolers will help lead worship with singing. ALL are invited to the open house and bake sale following worship. Say hello to parents, staff and students!

Vacation Bible School
VBS is coming up, June 11-15 and June 18-22. Sign ups for leaders and participants are in the narthex (gathering area) at the VBS table. Can you help? June 11-15 we need an opening leader. June 18-22 we need an opening leader, an elementary Bible story leader, and snacks person. Questions?  Please call Janet Daley (708-912-1940) or the church office.

Respond Now’s April need:  canned fruit 
Respond Now is the emergency social service agency for our area. They are always in need of personal hygiene items and non-perishable food. In April, they are looking for canned fruit. Drop off at the Respond Now table in the narthex (gathering area).



Luke 24: 36b-48      *         Acts 3: 12-19

Psalm 4                   *        I John 3: 1-7


In This Issue
This week at Faith
                 Thursday        7:00 Jacob’s Well rehearsal     
Saturday         9:00 Altar Guild    
Sunday 4/15   8:15 Worship
                          9:30 Education Hour
                         10:45 Worship
Monday          10:00 Quilters 
                         7:00 Church Staffing Committee
Tuesday         1:00 Altar Guild meeting 
                       7:00 Council 
Wednesday     5:30 Girl Scouts
                          7:00 Church Staffing Committee
                          7:00 Choir Rehearsal
Serving on Sunday, April 15, 2018

Serving God in Worship at 8:15 AM
Assisting Minister:               Pastor Amy Wiegert


Preacher:                            Pastor Robert Klonowski
Children’s Message:           Maria Arndt
Organist:                             Rita Jeffirs
Choir Director:                    Jeff Silhan
Song Leaders:                    Karen Aronson
Lector:                                Stuart Kurtz
Altar attendants:                Anne Anderson, Barb Berger, & Karen Opalinski
Hospitality Host:                Barb Berger


                                                 Serving God in Worship at 10:45 AM

Presiding Minister:              Pastor Robert Klonowski
Assisting Minister:               Scott Showalter
Children’s Message:            Maria Arndt
Musician:                             Rob Travis
Lector:                                 Bob Johnson
Altar attendants:                  Anne Anderson, Barb Berger, & Karen Opalinski
Hospitality Host:                  Lee Brauer
Contact Information
Faith Church