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Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church of Homewood, Illinois
Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church April 19, 2018

Doubting…All of Us
Carla Benard
     I am surprised whenever I hear a familiar Gospel text and experience it differently than I always have. Generally, that difference changes everything. Such was the case as I listened to Pastor Amy preach on the Doubting Thomas text recently.
     I thought of Thomas as merely a doubter who simply could not believe what the others believed. Thomas demanded actual proof, and the implied contrast with the other disciples never seemed positive. And the truth to be understood lay in those last lines of the text in which Jesus says something to the effect that it’s nice that you believe, Tom, but those who have not seen and yet believe, those are the TRUE believers. Every time I heard it, I wished I could be one of those kinds of believers…the sight- unseen, definition-of-faith kind of believer, but I’m not.
     But, maybe I’m not such a faith failure after all. Thomas, she asserted, was no different and really didn’t want anything different than the other disciples. They were afraid and hiding. Unsure of what to do next. Unprepared to go out and break down doors to build the church because they didn’t yet understand what “church” meant, or what it would demand of them. Thomas’s skepticism is normal. When he, as they had, was able to see and touch the Lord, then he understood that this resurrection thing was real, scary, and awesome. Are we any different than Thomas?
     That question is rhetorical because we, like Thomas, have trouble believing in spite of all we have seen and heard. We call ourselves Easter people-witnesses time after time to the saving miracle of the resurrection. And yet, we doubt. We are frightened. We hesitate.   We falter rather than go forth faithfully. But, and this is a big deal, doubt was not the end of Thomas’s story, and neither is it the end of ours.
     In our Bible Study that day, one of our members did some looking, and found that Jesus’s appearance in the upper room was not a one and done experience. He came back several times to repeat their charge to go forth, to reassure, to teach them, to in fact, make them fishers of men. He knew the truth: we are all more like Thomas than not. We need to be convinced.

     I will never think of Thomas in the same way again. Thomas was not less than, he was the same as, just as I am, and if that is the case, I know that Jesus understands. He will come back again and again and again….as often as I need him to come back. So, thank you, Pastor Amy for that new understanding, and thank you Lord for your patience.

Carla Benard is a member of Faith. After a career as a high school English teacher she is now enjoying retirement. She’s at carla.benard@yahoo.com.



Church Staffing Update:
The staffing team is excited to share that it has identified four candidates for Faith’s ministry staff position. Interviews are ongoing, and we anticipate making an offer within the month. Please continue to pray for this effort as we make this important decision for Faith, its ministries, and its members.

Greater Chicago Food Depository day:
Volunteers are needed for work at the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Saturday,May 5. We will meet in the church parking lot at 7:30am and carpool to the food depository. We will work there from 8:30-11:15am, and then return to church. Questions? Contact Dennis Benard, 708-265-1799 or dbenard1965@gmail.com

Faith spring cleaning days:
Please join us at the church Saturdays in May, 9am- 1pm, to clean and paint as well as do yardwork and planting. Projects for all ages & abilities available. Lunch is provided afterward.


Acts 8:26-40
Psalm 22:25-31
1 John 4:7-21
John 15:1-18


In This Issue
This week at Faith

Thursday                   6:30 Confirmation
                                  7:00 Jacob’s Well Practice
Friday                        5:00 Library Workers
Saturday                    9:00 Altar Guild
                                 10:00 Gascko Baptismal Counseling
Sunday April 22         8:15 Worship
                                  9:30 Education Hour
                                 10:45 Worship: Baptism of Oaklin Dean Gacsko
                                  7:00 NA Meeting
Monday                     10:00 Quilters
                                  5:30 Girl Scouts troop 60868
                                  7:00 Girl Scout Leaders
Tuesday                    9:30 Collate Newsletter
Wednesday               5:30 Girl Scouts
                                  7:00 Choir Practice
Serving on Sunday, April 22, 2018

Serving God in Worship 8:15 AM
Presiding Minister:    Pastor Amy Wiegert
Assisting Minister:    Pastor Robert Klonowski
Organist:                   Rita Jeffirs
Song Leader:            Emily Kramer
Lector:                      Peggy Palmer
Altar attendants:       Anne Anderson, Barb Berger, & Karen Opalinski
Ushers:                     Bill & William Hornof
Hospitality Host:       Lee Brauer
Serving God in Worship 10:45 AM
Presiding Minister:    Pastor Amy Wiegert
Assisting Minister:    Pastor Robert Klonowski
Musicians:               Jacob’s Well: Laurie Gascko, Jed Jedlicka, Deb Dennison,
                                Tony Falvo, Rob Travis & Charlie Tarjan
Lector:                     Jillian Johnson
Altar attendants:       Anne Anderson, Barb Berger, & Karen Opalinski
Hospitality Host:       Lee Brauer
Contact Information
Faith Church