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FAITH MAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your weekly newsletter from Faith Church
April 26, 2018 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FAITHOUGHTS Forever Changed Maria Arndt Trusting in God is the way to go. I know this. I trust this. I believe this. I do not always live this. Many times, I trust in myself or others or things of this world. My 17-year-old daughter Sara was awarded an Indiana Honors Program opportunity to study in France and I reacted so poorly. With a weak “That’s great Sara, how much is it and how will we pay for it?” I defeated us and crushed her spirit. All of a sudden my faith appeared in my head, as an afterthought. I prayed that God would open my mind and send me people to help me and that he would provide for this trip if it was His will. From that moment on… our path was blessed, my mental and emotional burden was lifted and HIS plan began to unfold in front of me. Each of my intentional prayerful requests was met with “Yes, here is what you asked for…..! I asked for provisions. God provided an opportunity to lead an afterschool tutoring program. My tax return was higher than expected. I was able to meet my portion of the fees. To God be the glory! I asked for a clear head. God opened my mind and said, “Maria, think about what brings you joy. Think about the talents I have given you. Think about what are your skills.” Brainstorming began. The idea to host a tea party to raise funds for the trip then came to me. To God be the glory! I asked that God would provide people to help me. A team of family members and friends came together to host a lovely tea party. Friends and family donated money so Sara could go. She needed $1900.00 for her final payment and the tea party raised $1905.00. To God be the glory! Sara will go to France on a trip of a lifetime. She will grow and change and be forever different after it. I might add that I too am forever changed. I gave over my self-centered ways and I trusted and God provided. How does He provide and care for you? Are you really giving it all over to Him? May God lead us and may we turn away from the temptation to think we are alone and things are impossible. Maria Arndt is a member of Faith. In her daily ministry she works as a kindergarten teacher. She’s at MArndt@sd194.org [mailto:MArndt@sd194.org]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Church Staffing Update The staffing team is excited to share that it has identified four candidates for Faith’s ministry staff position. Interviews are ongoing, and we anticipate making an offer within the month. Please continue to pray for this effort as we make this important decision for Faith, its ministries, and its members. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Vacation Bible School VBS is coming up, June 11-15 and June 18-22. Sign ups for leaders and participants are in the narthex (gathering area) at the VBS table. Deadline for student registration is May 20. Can you help? June 11-15 we need an opening leader. June 18-22 we need an opening leader, an elementary Bible story leader, and snacks person. Questions? Please call Janet Daley (708-912-1940) or the church office. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Greater Chicago Food Depository day Volunteers are needed for work at the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Saturday, May 5. We will meet in the church parking lot at 7:30am and carpool to the food depository. We will work there from 8:30-11:15am, then return to church. Questions? Contact Dennis Benard at 708-265-1799 or dbenard1965@gmail.com. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 22:25-31 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In This Issue
Faithoughts Church staffing update VBS Volunteer at Food Depository Scripture Readings
This week at Faith
Thursday 7:00 Boy Scouts 7:00 Jacob’s Well Practice Friday 6:30 Girl Scouts troop 60310 Saturday 9:00 Altar Guild 9:00 Stewardship Committee Sunday April 29 8:15 Worship 9:30 Education Hour 10:45 Worship 7:00 NA Meeting Monday 10:00 Quilters Wednesday 5:30 Girl Scouts 7:00 Choir Practice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Serving on Sunday, April 29, 2018
Serving God in Worship 8:15 AM Assisting Minister: Pastor Amy Wiegert Preacher: Pastor Robert Klonowski Organist: Rita Jeffirs Song Leader: Stuart Kurtz Choir Director: Jeff Silhan Lector: Christy Picker Rothchild Altar attendants: Anne Anderson, Barb Berger, & Karen Opalinski Ushers: Bill & William Hornof Hospitality Host: Barb Berger Serving God in Worship 10:45 AM Assisting Minister: Pastor Amy Wiegert Preacher: Pastor Robert Klonowski Musician: Rob Travis Lector: Adam Kramer Altar attendants: Anne Anderson, Barb Berger, & Karen Opalinski Hospitality Host: Stacy Norwick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Contact Information
Faith Church [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001vxyqb5ptk3hKBicJ48HfK3FSV0hi8J62RdXqaGAXNlsiZ4OZI18MaGoPYynI6uLTJCqW72ww1XtXRkTARZcr1qQn32Nov-RuAfZgqg3BW_D0NV9tSJcTHsGgCaz83x_e5msbF5riSEgtFRYp9_TwFrP7END-biy7kv2wChqcTj_bw895yQDoAQ==&c=0mVVVsY5H-qoWoJ6VsEnSmSNwygAdyvoVjXQOJKWfIJIe2AU-V3EYw==&ch=DbEhw0ktuX8Fr3dF5r4GumSZsG0rOSbMVSSm8so9i5JYpAUeFB0gUw==] 708-799-1160
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Faith Lutheran Church | 18645 Dixie Highway | Homewood | IL | 60430